The History of FCA

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The Fernald Community Alliance (FCA) grew out of the Fernald Living History Project (FLHP). FLHP started in 1997 in an effort to record and preserve all aspects of Fernald's history, including land acquisition, construction, Cold War production, the workers, environmental contamination, citizen involvement, studies, cleanup and restoration. A large part of this effort was conducting and archiving over 130 video interviews with past workers, citizens, government officials and regulators, who were involved with Fernald's history. Transcripts of these interviews are available online.

end of cleanup
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When the Fernald cleanup was completed in the fall of 2006, it was decided that the FLHP would evolve into the FCA to continue to work on the historical aspects of Fernald but also include the ecological and educational aspects that were now going to be critical for Fernald to become a valuable asset to the community. Our goal is to work in cooperation with DOE Legacy Management to help promote education which will be important to "Telling the Story of Fernald" and having Fernald become a center of education for the region. FCA is a 501(c)3 organization.



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